More Information
For more information about using your MacBook, see the following:
To learn about
Installing memory
Chapter 3, “Boost Your MacBook,” on page 35.
Troubleshooting your
MacBook if you have
a problem
Chapter 4, “Problem, Meet Solution,” on page 51.
Finding service and support
for your MacBook
“Learning More, Service, and Support” on page 63. Or see the
Apple Support website at www.apple.com/support/macbook.
Using Mac OS X
The Mac OS X website at www.apple.com/macosx. Or search for
“Mac OS X” in Mac Help.
Moving from a PC to a Mac
“Why you’ll love a Mac” at www.apple.com/getamac/whymac.
Using iLife applications
The iLife website at www.apple.com/ilife. Or open an iLife
application, open Help for the application, and then type a
question in the search field.
Changing system preferences
System Preferences by choosing Apple (
) > System
Preferences. Or search for “system preferences” in Mac Help.
Using your trackpad
Mac Help and search for “trackpad.” Or open System Preferences
and click Trackpad.
Using your keyboard
Mac Help and search for “keyboard.”
Using the iSight camera
Mac Help and search for “iSight.”
Using AirPort Extreme wireless
The AirPort Support page at www.apple.com/support/airport.

Chapter 2
Life with Your MacBook
Using Bluetooth wireless
The Bluetooth Support page at www.apple.com/support/
bluetooth. Or open the Bluetooth File Exchange application,
located in the Utilities folder within the Applications folder,
and choose Help > Bluetooth Help.
Caring for the battery
Mac Help and search for “battery.”
Connecting a printer
Mac Help and search for “printing.”
USB connections
Mac Help and search for “USB.”
Connecting to the Internet
Mac Help and search for “Internet.”
Connecting an external display
Mac Help and search for “displayport.”
Front Row
Mac Help and search for “Front Row.”
Burning a CD or DVD
Mac Help and search for “burn disc.”
The Specifications page at www.apple.com/support/specs.
Or open System Profiler by choosing Apple (
) > About This
Mac from the menu bar, and then click More Info.
Apple news, free downloads,
and online catalogs of
software and hardware
The Apple website at www.apple.com.
Instructions, technical support,
and manuals for Apple
The Apple Support website at www.apple.com/support.
To learn about